Fastest time to run a half marathon and marathon on each continent (male)
Ziyad Rahim
103 day(s), hour(s), minute(s), second(s)
カタール (Doha)

The fastest time to run a half marathon and marathon on each continent (male) is 103 days 4 hr 28 min 57 sec, and was achieved by Ziyad Rahim (Pakistan), from 9 November 2014 to 20 February 2015.

Rahim completed, in order:


Marysville Marathon (Australia), Istanbul Marathon (Europe), December 7 Marathon (North America), Egyptian Marathon (Africa), Dubai Marathon (Asia), Punta Arenas Marathon (South America), and White Continent Marathon (Antarctica).

Half marathons:

Carlton Classic Half Marathon (Australia), Abu Dhabi Striders Half Marathon (Asia), Torcy International Half Marathon (Europe), The Carthage Race Half Marathon (Africa), Lincoln’s Birthday Half Marathon (North America), Southern Cross Half Marathon (South America), and Penguin Half Marathon (Antarctica).