Fastest 100 km pushing a wheelchair (male)
Sebastien Roulier
13:02:15 hour(s), minute(s), second(s)
カナダ (Montreal)

The fastest 100 km pushing a wheelchair (male) is 13 hr 2 min 15 sec, achieved by Sebastien Roulier (Canada), in Montreal, Canada, on 12 September 2020.

Sebastien has previously achieved records for the fastest marathon pushing a wheelchair (male) and fastest half marathon pushing a wheelchair (male). He is a physician by trade, and has chosen to attempt these records in order to bring social inclusion into media and discussions and to promote inclusive activities.

He has been running for the past 20 years, finishing 58 marathons and 44 ultramarathons as of the attempt date of this record. He has also represented Canada at the IAU World Championships and completed multiple charity runs, including a recent 425 km run in just 3.5 days to raise money for a local foodbank.

The toughest challenge on the day of the attempt was the heat, particularly given Sebastien was pushing a weight greater than his own bodyweight. The final 7-8 km of the course was a steep climb which added extra difficulty. As any good doctor would, he also stopped to help a person who had lost consciousness at one point along the route and waited until the ambulance had arrived.

When asked what achieving a third Guinness World Records title means to him, Sebastien was quick to credit his passenger, Samuel Camirand (Canada), for his role in achieving the record too. He also added: “I know that for the person I push, it has a great signification. It brings something positive in a life where there is a lot of challenges. Being part of their success, with altruism, is really what it is important.”