Largest online photo album of people displaying a digital certificate
Accenture Solutions Private Limited
29,068 total number
インド (Bengaluru)

The largest online photo album of people displaying a digital certificate consists of 29,068 photos and was achieved by Accenture Solutions Private Limited (India), as part of the FY22 Microsoft Power Platform campaign, on 1st July 2022.

The record was attempted to celebrate the large community of professional and citizen developers who were enabled on Microsoft's Power Platform during the FY22 Power To Everyone campaign.

Over 50,000 Accenture people were engaged in this 6 month long campaign which comprised of certification drives, learning sessions, hands-on labs, weekly quizzes, ‘Create your first app’ sessions, Powerthon Idea fest and more!

This campaign came to a stellar conclusion at the “Power Week”, where several leaders from Microsoft, Accenture and Avanade, addressed the Power Platform enthusiasts at Accenture.